The guest speaker for our seminar was Butch Bellah of B2 Training & Development, Dallas, TX. He is the author of a sales book, “The 10 Essential Habits of Sales Superstars”. Being a native of Many, LA, Butch was very familiar with the Nichols stores. His experience as a salesman, comedian, executive, motivational speaker and writer, made quite an impact on all Nichols associates. He stressed the importance of being able to change as individuals as well as in business in order to reach your greatest potential and setting goals to achieve success in life.
A fun time was had by all who attended the Nichols seminar. Ideas were shared by associates from each department and plans were discussed for involvment in the communities of each Nichols location. Best of all, it was a great opportunity for everyone to get to know one another and actually put a “face to a name” or in this case a “face to a voice”.